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Welcome to my photo blog. I really appreciate your short visit. Please sign-in to my guestbook at the bottom. If not the guestbook, you can comment on each blog in my site.
Thanks for dropping by.
Note: For all who used to visit my blog, thank you very much, I will try my best to keep up with other blogs. I hope you will not be tired visiting this site.
The Explorer
Next places to be feature after Mount Amuyao are:
Baguio City (from Vacation of May 2010) Makati City (for couple of photos) Mariveles Bataan (from Tarak Ridge or Mount Mariveles Climb last Oct 2010) Nasugbo, Batangas (Company Outing Mar 2011 at Canyon Cove) Magallanes, Cavite (from Mount Marami Climb Apr 2011) Sta.Ines, Tanay Rizal (Outreach May 2011) Orani, Bataan (Mount Natib Climb Sep 2011) San Pablo, Laguna (7 Lakes of Laguna Oct 2011) Sariaya, Quezon (Out of Nowhere Adventure Oct 2011) Boracay, Malay Aklan (Company Outing Mar 2012) San Jose, Tarlac (Fun Climb Jun 2012)
May 08 2012
I guess I had stopped for at least year in updating this blog of mine. I still wanted to continue blogging all my travels in my country. Just been focused on something else for a long time. I will still continue to feature Mount Amuyao, even though the last blog I had about it was June 2011. I hope you still enjoy my site and hoping have a nice comeback in blogging again.
May 08 2012 I am thinking of creating a new blog that will feature good things about my country including its culture, people, and other topics to spread great things about it. This is one way to show how I am proud to be a Filipino. It will be coming soon ...
March 2011
Included as "Favorite Blog 2011" - by Travel Avenue
June 21, 2010
Included as "Favorite Blog 2010" - by Travel Avenue
This is the eight week that I will be featuring the photos from Mount Amuyao climb which I had last October 2009, still part of featuring the scenic photos while trekking Amuyao mountain. This week and the next coming weeks, I will post the photos during the actual climb, even though this climb was difficult for me, I was able to capture few surrounding snapshots during the climb. I hope you enjoy the photos I got
I work as database administrator and enjoy my work since I feel that even I am working I am still studying. Maybe because of the nature of the work itself. Working in database administration world demands for continuous studies and learning.
Aside from work there are other parts of my life that I wanted to achieve. This is another side of my life, which is being me as simple person.
I wanted to see wonderful places as much as I can. I hope I can travel around the world and discover its hidden beauty.
I love scenic photos around the world and I enjoy talking a lot of stuff anything under the sun.
This blog will be use to feature my own world which is my country - "The Philippine Islands". The reason for this is to share all beautiful scenery I got from my adventures in my own land.
Skywatch Friday - 27 March 2025
[image: DSCN3281] This is what our front yard used to look like. We had two
pear trees in the front yard for years. They are not Bradford Pears, I
forget w...
Happy Anniversary! I love you!
Nine Years On
Somewhere in the Wayback Machine
You'll find two people
Rubbing their chins and wondering
Is this going to be ...
malaybalay: city of golden trees
[image: Untitled]
It was quite a sight: rows of tall trees laden with yellow flowers, no
leaves are visible. A thin blanket of yellow spreads around the...
Florida Scrub-jay
[image: Florida Scrub-jay]
The Florida Scrub-jay is a rather unique bird. This member of the Corvidae
family is found only in central Florida. It is the on...
Από ξένο τόπο - Yannis Loulourgas & Georgios Markou
Yannis Loulourgas (vocals, gagava) & Georgios Markou (guitar) perform a
traditional song from Asia Minor called "Από ξένο τόπο" (from foreign
lands). Recor...
I can relate
When Blogging Becomes a Slog – NYTimes.com. A few case studies on blogger
burnout. Blogging is demanding if you do it right. If you don’t, why
bother? The ...
Millions of years of wind, water and erosion have created the awesome
beauty of the
Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
This is me trying to get a...
Jeg sutrer og klager over det våte og triste været ute, men må jo medgi at
vann er spennende å leke med. Og her lekte jeg litt med både vann og
Watery Wednesday #176
Hi guys! I'm sooo sorry I'm late. I've been so busy I don't even know what
day of the week it is. I've got an interesting shot for you this week. I'm
My World Tuesday, Season 3, Episode 44
Thou Shall Not Pass
Klaus Peter, 1960-2011
We are sorry to share with all the MyWorld Tuesday and Skywatch Friday
participants news of the passing our...
India wins the World Cup
India wins the 2011 World Cup.Yay!Victory, sweet victory!Congratulations
Dhoni and the Indian cricket team.Cheers to all those who celebrate.
Dinosaur Shadow in Wicklow
Last week I went down to Glendalough, Co Wicklow for a walk with the
family. Leaving the house early to avoid the crowds of people who visit
Glendalough i...
My new webpage
If you still want to follow me and my photos you should bookmark IVAR IVRIG .
It is the same name but without the blogspot-part...
Viva Italia...
*Destination: Italy Departure: Monday, February 15, 2010*
*Return: Some time in March*
*You may have the universe if I may have Italy*
*~ Giuseppe Verdi ~*
7 explorer comments:
I hope traffic is always like that! Nice shot.
It looks nice and sunny where you are! Great for shadows! Neat shot.
Yep. I see it! Great shadow!
great shadow of the tree. trees always make interesting shadows. great catch!
Yes, indeed...clearly but I was amazed by the poor traffic jam, eh?
Tulog pa ba ang Manila?
TY for sharing... now I missed Phils so much...
Be there nxt year!
lovely shadow on the street..
Nothing like home feeling, ano fah?
Hope your in the best of everything.
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